Know Your Rights Training and Workshop
Hosted by Office of Institutional Diversity at Oregon State University Monday, February 13, 2017 at 4:30 PM – 6:00 PM PST
"Every person in the United States and Oregon is afforded individual civil rights. Lauren Regan, Executive Director of the Civil Liberties Defense Center, and Lorena Reynolds, of the Reynolds Law Firm, will host a training and workshop to discuss civil liberties and provide practical information and guidance for asserting your individual rights. The workshop will include a focus on rights related to immigration and travel issues. A Q&A session will follow the presentation.
This is a training for all Oregon State students, faculty and staff. No prior experience with the subject matter is necessary. The goal of the workshop is to educate and empower all OSU community members!
For accommodations related to ability please contact, 541-737-1063."
Link to Event Here
Photo: Unsplash